SCITT Chronicle: October Edition

Welcome back to the SCITT Chronicle!

This is our first edition for 17/18, and we must begin by congratulating the 20 graduates from last year’s programme. We must also thank everyone who is helped

them to get there. All of the professionals in our partnership who are involved in working with a trainee contribute to the ongoing and regular checks on a trainee’s progress in meeting the teachers’ standards. This ensures that our trainees are provided with sufficient levels of challenge and support during their training. Consequently, all 20 trainees from 16/17 have exceeded the minimum level of practice expected by teachers at the end of their training year and 100% are working in our local schools.

This year we are welcoming 16 new recruits on our secondary programme, all with a very strong aptitude for teaching. We have refined our recruitment and selection processes and our numbers will vary year on year based upon needs in our local schools. All trainees have completed subject knowledge enhancement courses, if available, prior to September and they have been undertaking pre-course activities to put them in a stronger position for placements.

After an intensive week of induction at Hodgson Academy, we spent the Friday afternoon testing their resilience on the high ropes at Stanley Park.

They are all now on Placement A at one of our partner schools working with experienced practitioners and mentors.

They have met with our Life Coach, Roy Blake, and had their first session on managing workload and wellbeing. They have also already had two sessions on managing behaviour and building positive relationships in school. All trainees will have Safeguarding Level 2 and begin their qualification to become Chartered Teachers of PSHE at the end of this month.

Ofsted conducted Stage 1 of their inspection in June and we welcomed 2 Senior HMI over three days. Thank you so much to our schools for opening their doors and handling the inspection so well. It was a real celebration as we pulled together as a partnership to showcase our commitment to renewing our profession. You can read some feedback from this visit on our recently revamped website at We have also added our mission statement, written by the trainees from the 16/17 cohort, to our logo and we will be launching our new marketing material later this month.


”I am really enjoying learning  new skills and starting my teaching career”
Jasmine Earnshaw, Maths

“The induction week was a concise, to the point introduction to teaching”
Adam Lees, Geography

“St George’s Maths department, and the whole school, have been inspirational
for my teaching”
Edward Harrison, Maths

“The exciting, challenging first steps on our learning journey”
Jennifer Large, English

“I’m really enjoying myself and I can’t wait to start teaching!”
Matthew Entwisle, Chemistry

”There’s an amazing support network. I feel like a person not just a number and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Hannah Patten, History

“These first few weeks have been a really rewarding, hands on, “get stuck in” introduction to teaching”
Paul Foxton, Maths

“It’s been a challenge but now I can’t wait to start teaching!”
Lauren Blackburn, History

Career changers

The majority of our trainees are career changers, and they bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from other industries.

Andrea Burrell, one of our English trainees this year, lead the multi-professional teams who supported schools to identify children in need of safeguarding and also notifications of incidents of domestic abuse. She chaired the MARAC process for 9 years. This included visiting and working with all schools in relation to individual children, providing support, training staff and support to Head Teachers. In light of these experiences, Andrea is supporting her fellow trainees and offered a session for us all last Friday on the Blackpool context. Thank you Andrea!

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